Most of the patients that come to us wonder what benefits bariatric surgery will bring to them. As a guide to our potential patients, some of the most frequent questions we received and their answers describing results and benefits of obesity surgery are included in this post.

1.     How much weight will I loose? 

It varies with each procedure and patient. Typically, with a gastric band you can lose about 40-50% of the overweight, with a gastric sleeve approximately 70% and with a gastric bypass an 80-85% of excess weight. It is worth mentioning that results depend largely on the follow-up and discipline of each patient to follow postoperative instructions.

2.     Will my diabetes problem improve? 

With any bariatric procedure you should improve your diabetes mellitus, but the gastric bypass technique is the metabolic surgery advised and can achieve total control of this condition (not require medication anymore) in as much as 75% and significant improvement in about 85% of cases.

3.     Will my hypertension condition improve?

Of course! The improvement index of hypertension is about 70-80% where around 60% resolve this condition entirely.  

4.     Will the surgery lower my cholesterol and triglycerides levels?  

Yes, just like hypertension and diabetes, hyperlipidemia significantly improves and cholesterol levels lower in about 70% of cases with gastric sleeve and gastric bypass procedures.

5.     Will I correct my sleep disorders such as a sleep apnea and snoring? 

A remarkable improvement is seen in these types of sleep disorders, up to 90% of patients resolve or improve sleep apnea within the first 44 lbs (20kg) of weight loss. The patient stops snoring and starts having a truly restful sleep.

6.     I have problems with my spine, knees and hips; will I improve in this area? 

No doubt, the first thing that your orthopedist will indicate is to substantially loose weight to improve these problem areas and, in case you need it, be able to safely perform any orthopedic surgery. Degenerative Joint Disease is improved and/or resolved in about 40-70% of cases.

7.     I have problems with my menstrual periods, ovarian cysts, and difficulty getting pregnant is it possible to cure this if I undergo bariatric surgery? 

Sure, if your gynecologist diagnosed overweight as the cause of their gynecological problems, bariatric surgery has excellent results in correcting menstrual and hormonal dysfunction and polycystic ovarian syndrome once the excess weight is lost.  In this case, the opinion of your gynecologist is essential to decide the best course of action.

8.     My daughter is 20 years old and overweight, is suffering from anxiety, depression and failing to form healthy relationships. Can she improve these emotional issues?

Definitely. Psychological disorders related to obesity are not extensively covered either by patients or by doctors but they are real and there is no doubt bariatric surgery brings a great improvement to the patient’s mental and emotional health. An important part of treatment for obesity is the psychological support that you must give to patients in order to integrally transform their life.

9.     Will I feel better at work? 

No doubt. It still exists, in Mexico and other countries, real work discrimination due to obesity, although this is denied. You will definitely improve your relationships and have greater opportunities for advancement.

10.  I think obesity is affecting sex life with my partner. Is it possible to improve this aspect of our relationship?

Obesity lowers libido and causes impotence due to multiple hormonal and psychological factors, which are leveled and improved when loosing weight. As a result, surgery will surely help you to boost your sex drive and performance.


We can keep on mentioning numerous benefits derived from loosing the excess weight. If you, your primary physician and your nutritionist have tried conservative methods and have not achieve positive results, bariatric surgery is an option. 

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